My mission is to help You
Increase Energy, Reduce Pain and Anxiety & Sleep Better….
Because everyone deserves to live their Healthiest, Happiest Life!
Help your child Sleep Better, Improve Learning Capacity & Grow Optimally…
Because all children deserve the same shot at Success!

My name is Tiffany Ludwicki, I am a naturotherapist with a background in dental hygiene.
I have struggled with lack of self worth, poor concentration and memory, airway and teeth crowding & sleep issues since childhood.
I have tried many fad diets, subscribed to multiple exercise programs, and read tons of self help books before discovering the missing link to ALL of the programs out there……
Believe it or not, your mouth may be the root cause of all of your mental and physical health challenges!
Despite my knowledge of oral health, I did not learn that my relapse of orthodontics was a preventable muscular problem, that my teeth extractions created a smaller airway and that my snoring was increasing my risk for chronic disease.
I have figured out- through self exploration, certifications, and trial and error: How to live my healthiest happiest life…. and how to help you and your child bypass years of struggles.
With a little support, guidance and expertise, I will help the whole family connect like they never have before. And the best part….
You can
*Stop dieting *Stop over exercising *Stop stressing over perfection & Start Living….. It’s Way More FUN this way:)
Let my JOURNEY be your SUCCESS
Your in the right place if You ---->>>>>
- Snoring is effecting your daytime energy, relationships and life
- Have sleep apnea but cannot tolerate a CPAP
- Are anxious, depressed, stressed and feeling hopeless
- Can't lose weight despite exercise and dieting
- Experience Headaches, TMJ, clenching, grinding, vertigo or ringing in ears
Crowded teeth (need braces, or relapsing ortho work)...
or your child: - Snores or mouth breathes
- Crowded teeth, open bite or over bite (malocclusion and needs braces or surgery)
- Behavioural issues and poor concentration/focus at school
- Had breastfeeding difficulties, reflux, torticollis
Thumb sucking habits (prolonged pacifier or sippy cup or nail biting)

Learn More about Myofunctional Therapy and my Stop Snoring Solution (in the menu tab)